Thanks to the Mayor of Middlesbrough, Chris Cooke for coming on Saturday 1st July to open Triangle Wood. An even bigger thanks to the volunteers who have made this possible, assisted enormously by grants and fund raising . We very much appreciated the support of the Parish Council with a grant and very kind words from Adrian Walker the Chair. The Community Council have been partners throughout.
There are many volunteers to thank but these include Chris, Kevin, Pete, Evan, Adam, Anne and John and the Scouts this morning too! Jonathan Pounder and Annabelle assisted this morning with a wonderful display of so many interesting items from the natural world. The three benches, so generously provided by the Plymouth Brethren , and installed by them, were very popular especially for taking in the wonderful view. Mike provided information on the birds and some great pictures too – some below.
Children enjoyed the treasure hunt/ tree and identifier card ( thanks CountyPrint) and we hope to leave these in a waterproof container for visitors.
Above all we hope the community will value and help us to look after this asset. Last of all – thanks to David Leyland who has been a great support and inspiration for biodiversity for so long in Nunthorpe.