Owls fighting over territory - field to left on way to Nunthorpe Village - Wade Tovey

Morton Carr Wood - a treasure tube with oak and ivy leaves, fir cones, a stick with lichen and 2 types of catkin - Luke Jones

Chiffchaff Morton Carr Woods - thanks Mike Eccles

Rabbit Morton Carr Woods -thanks Mike Eccles

Great Spotted Woodpecker - Nunthorpe Garden -thanks Mike Eccles

Speckled wood butterfly - Gypsy Lane garden -thanks Mike Eccles

Ringlet butterfly and common spotted orchid Morton Carr Wood -thanks Mike Eccles

Deer Brass Castle Lane

Butterfly Morton Carr Woods - but which one?

Hedgehog in a Nunthorpe garden

Can you do your but to support hedgehogs. A pile of logs or a hedgehog ‘house’ and a little hedgehog or cat food  (not milk!) for more information on supporting  hedgehogs. https://www.britishhedgehogs.org.uk/leaflets/A-guide-to-helping-hedgehogs.pdf

And feeding them


‘We put hedgehog food out each night – and sure enough one hedgehog came very night …. and then two …..and then these ‘parents’ brought along their offspring’

A bee gathering pollen on a teasel in a Nunthorpe garden

Feeding your 'children' - a mother sparrow and chick in a Nunthorpe garden (MIke Eccles)